On the island there are two villages, St Michael on the northeast corner and Stebbins on the northwest. File Description: St Michael Island is 50 miles southwest of Unalakleet, an island that in fact appears to be a cape and a firmly attached piece of the mainland. I have not tested if it is freeware or not as I was busy wiith panel development. That website seem to be credible, here's the link. There is also a downloadlink for a version with removed registration, or not active registration., whatever.
Be extremely cautious what you buy there. stmichaelislandak-4.jpg stmichaelislandak-5.jpg. A while ago I stumbled over a website that says that FS Navigator 4.7 is freeware. Justflight publisher is a little bit tricky, there are junk addons, and exremely good ones. Shehryar Ansaris 2004 scenery is required and can be found here at AVSIM.
The original file did not include the bridges but this file will update the scenery as it was intended to look. Product you should not buy unless you are appealed by nice graphic only: captainsim, alabeo, carenado, fsdreamteam (inacurate, but very nice looking sceneries). This file adds the bridges, overpasses, and terminal ramps to my KLGA Photo Real Scenery V 1.0 (klgaprv1.zip). (I missed something for sure, but you get an idea).
If you want payware addons, go for top notch: pmdg, ifly, fslabs, majestic, eaglesoft, aerosoft, a2a, realair, milviz, flytampa, flightbeam, UK2000, taxi2gate, hifitechinc, orbx. But there is a catch: Do not buy mid and low priced/rated payware addons as it will not offer you quality you expect. Well, FSX overgrown its freeware community. Project Opensky, Historic Jetliners Group, FFX/SGA, iDFG, Dreamwings, and Tinmouse all offer some nice models as well that aren't payware. This is a short barreled, suppressed, ACR M4 weapon model replacement for Grand Theft Auto IV PC. Opprinnelig skrevet av Viero:This seems like a rather payware-heavy list, but for those who want good addons without them being payware, you should look at.